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Anime Sickos: A podcast for geniuses exploring the four pillars of modern misery: anime, gaming, posting, and jobs.

Jul 29, 2023

The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes.


In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last livable place on Earth: the domed cyberpunk dystopia Sicko City. In Sicko City, all citizens are required to jack in to cyberspace every day to view and engage with content generated by “Posters,” mega-celebrities who live like gods. But beneath its shimmering surface, five forgotten people are about to make history...

Our five heroes have all been hurt badly by Sicko Industries and Jordi. It’s time to hurt them back.

Bradley Gareth as Burt Harddrive
Allie Reid as Sherry Vaporware
Casey Toney as Stack Overflow
Gwynn Fulcher as Dr. Fiona Firewire
Lexi Conwell as Tor Client
Megan Scharlau as Mysterious Woman
Steph Cheon as Spire Receptionist
Tom Harrison as Tom
Joe Anderson as Joe
Dylan Mullins as Jordi

Episode 6 art is by John Keogh.

Original music is composed by Chuck Rios.

Sicko Shock 2 is recorded where possible by Geramie Causley at Mystery Street Studios in Chicago Illinois.

Audio editing is by Eric Garneau. Audio editing for scene five is by Casey Toney.

Special thanks to Chelsea Harfoush, Aleks M, Tom and Sara McHenry, and Adam Goron.

Sicko Shock 2 was made possible by support from our Patrons. You can support Anime Sickos at

The script for episode 6 can be found here:

Sicko Shock 2 is written and directed by Tom Harrison.