Jan 25, 2023
Most of the time when the Sickos read dumb posts it is to mock and belittle them. No more. We now accept them as true and real. We accept that giants are real and the government wants to keep you from fucking them. We learn time magic from a sweaty grindset man. We call the cops when we see an ultrasound where Al Capone...
Jan 11, 2023
The Sickos discuss Final Fantasy, perhaps the most popular JRPG series of all time. Like all JRPGs, the Sickos love them but also they all suck ass and are not fun. They're all masterpieces and we love them but they're also all broken and tedious and none of them actually pull off what they're trying to do. Anyway,...
Jan 4, 2023
The Sickos head to da movie house to watch Avatar 2, a movie about being a blue guy and doing Tony Hawk stunts with your best whale friend and then your dad yells at you because the whale is too much of a sicko. You probably want us to say "it's anime" but we are above these obvious surface level observations. It's...