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Anime Sickos: A podcast for geniuses exploring the four pillars of modern misery: anime, gaming, posting, and jobs.

Nov 27, 2019

The sickos are joined by homie James Medley, an all-around creative and filmmaker. The crew discusses how making stuff is the only way to reclaim your spirit from Cog World but also how creative pursuits make you feel like a dumb baby.

Follow the Sickos on Twitter @AnimeSickos
Follow James @heymedley
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Nov 20, 2019

The Sickos ruminate on how understanding that the things you like actually suck is the key to unlocking an extremely powerful brain that frees you from mental prison. Then on Cog Talk, we prove why it's a good idea to mistrust anyone and everyone at work: the absolute state of the kitchen and bathroom.

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Nov 6, 2019

The Sickos have trapped Actual Scientist John Hasier and are determined to waste his time and expertise as stupidly as possible. Listen as they force him to do Anime Science, discuss how being a scientist is exactly the same as being a cog, and philosophize about how science, while useful, is not the panacea STEM...