Jun 24, 2020
The Sickos discuss the Fate series, an inscrutable ecosystem of games, visual novels, animes, and phone games that steal all your money. The lore of the Fate series is longer than the Bible and its purpose is to serve you stories where wizards kill each other with history ghosts in order to drink out of a nice cup. Also...
Jun 17, 2020
The Sickos had a ton of ideas for dumb short segments that we
could never find room for. So we decided to just do them all. Oops!
All Goofs!
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Follow Tom on Twitter @TomHarrison19
Jun 3, 2020
We welcome our first repeat guesto, sicko scientist John Hasier along with his funnier wife Mike Hasier for our first-ever two person Guesto Mode episode! John once again uses facts and logic to prove anime is real, and Mike schools the sickos in the rich and bountiful sicko world of shojo anime.
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