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Anime Sickos: A podcast for geniuses exploring the four pillars of modern misery: anime, gaming, posting, and jobs.

Mar 27, 2024

The Sickos eulogize the best cartoonist to ever live, Akira Toriyama. Rest in peace king. Your art will live forever, and future generations will understand that it's cool when guys wear genie pants with curly shoes

Mar 13, 2024

We welcome Josh Boerman from the Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast. We discuss immersive sims, the value of good criticism, trying to make a living off creative work, and whether or not they still make Spree (the candy from Halloween).

You can find The Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast...

Mar 6, 2024

The Sickos do a classic two-segment episode. First, we return to our tier list of Every Game Mechanic and rank a bunch of these suckers. Then, we return to our tier list of—wait that can't be right