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Anime Sickos: A podcast for geniuses exploring the four pillars of modern misery: anime, gaming, posting, and jobs.

Apr 28, 2021

It's another batch of bite-sized goofs from the Sickos! Joe says goodbye to Hell Tower and hello to the cursed neighborhood of Little Shitaly, we read some of Tom McHenry's mind-melting job stories that we didn't get a chance to hear on his guest episode, we outline a skeleton-based anime series, and more! Check it out!

Apr 14, 2021

The Sickos expound upon Earthbound and Mother 3, uniquely quirky JRPGs that no one played. Turns out when you put jokes into a Dragon Quest clone, it's extremely good.

Apr 7, 2021

Sicko homie Tom McHenry finally goes guesto mode! Tom shares his truly nightmarish work stories on one of the greatest Cog Talks of all time, then we discuss why being a cartoonist is the life-ruiner, the goofy horror comics of Junji Ito, and more. Folks, this episode's one of the greats.